Sunday 22 November 2009

Hand on Chang is the only way to land...

Hi. Krishnendu here. I promised a few of you that I'd start my own blog charting my sorry demise over the next eight months of travelling around the globe. You'll be happy to hear that I've landed safe and sound in Bangkok, Thailand. It took me almost 10 minutes to spy my first lady boy from the relative safety of my air conditioned hot pink taxi. Said lady boy was ugly and on a mission to hunt down an old European man, and thankfully, not me fresh off the plane.

I shared my taxi with a kiwi girl whom I met in the taxi queue (true story). Funnily enough, she had just quit her job as a waitress at Carluccios, the very same Carluccios that I used to frequent at lunch / 4pm Diet Coke break in Covent Garden. Apparently they have decided to stop the free lemon oil and bruschetta dip that they had on display in the deli as it is now out of season. For those at my old work, take note.

Today is day two of my travel odyssey - and I'm still not bored of my own company. Who knew that I could be so entertaining with an icy bottle of Chang in my hand (that stuff is potent for a little guy like me, 7%). This morning I had a little tour of the weekend market at Chatuchak, following a cool ride on the ultra-modern Sky Train - which was a bit like the monorail from The Simpsons, the one with the monorail song which was well heavy. The market is a little overwhelming to be honest, too much stuff going on and all I wanted was a red vest, which I couldn't find. The image that has stayed with me from the trip was a mannequin outside a drinks stall with a smiling pigs head. It still haunts me.

All for now you'll be pleased to hear, tonight I'll look forward to watching some football at the Gulliver's Travel's Tavern on Khao San Road whilst trying to mingle with the crowd. Hopefully they won't see through my fake laughter and smile. Wish me luck.

Song of the day: Taylor Swift - Love Story
It's just a magical pop song which was belting out the radio from a little store near my hotel today.


  1. What a lovely tale this is.... it almost sounds like your having fun!

    Though I have no idea who the Taylor Swift chap is, I hope your music tastes aren't suffering!
